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For Farmers

Farm Sustainability Dashboard

The Farm Sustainability Dashboard has been designed to improve industry best practice and meet evolving community expectations. It has been created for business owners and is appropriate for farms of all sizes.

Recipes and Cooking


Milk Pudding

Milk Pudding

Milk Pudding is a simple Chinese dessert that is super easy yet delicious. You can top it with fruit, nuts or syrup of choice, or just eat as is!

Recipe by Camellia Ling Aebischer


  • 4 egg whites
  • 4 tbsp sugar
  • 800 ml milk


  1. Add all the ingredients to a large bowl and stir well to combine and break up the egg whites.
  2. Strain the mixture through a sieve to remove any lumps of egg and ensure the custard is blended well. It’s easiest to strain into a large jug if you have one, otherwise, a separate bowl will do.
  3. Bring a large steamer to the boil and place four ramekins or small bowls into the basket. Pour the custard evenly between the four ramekins and place the steamer lid on. Steam on medium for 8 minutes or until set, but just make sure the pudding doesn’t boil over.
  4. Once cooked they will still be quite jiggly. Turn off the heat and remove the steamer lid, then let the puddings sit and cool for an additional 10 minutes. This will form a skin on the top of the pudding which is full of flavour.
  5. Serve warm, or alternatively refrigerate for a few hours or overnight and enjoy cold.


We encourage you to try our homemade Strawberry Curd recipe or our easy microwave Lemon Curd recipe, which you can make using the spare egg yolks.