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For Farmers

Farm Sustainability Dashboard

The Farm Sustainability Dashboard has been designed to improve industry best practice and meet evolving community expectations. It has been created for business owners and is appropriate for farms of all sizes.

Recipes and Cooking


Chinese Tomato Fried Egg

Chinese Tomato Fried Egg

A classic, simple and delicious staple in Chinese households - it brings back nostalgic memories of childhood. Essentially scrambled eggs with tomatoes, this easy dish using pantry staples is probably one of the most popular dishes in China.


3 ripe tomatoes, cut into wedges

3 tbs canola oil

½ tsp salt

¼ tsp sugar

1 tbs tomato sauce

2 spring onions, cut into 5cm lengths

½ tsp cornflour, mixed with a little cold water

5 eggs, beaten


  1. Heat a wok over high heat and add 1 tablespoon of oil. Add the tomatoes and fry for about 2 minutes until they start to soften. Add the salt, sugar, tomato sauce, spring onions and ½ cup of water. When the spring onions soften, stir through enough of the cornflour mixture to thicken the tomato mixture to a saucy consistency. Taste and adjust seasoning if necessary. Remove the tomato mixture from the wok and rinse the wok.
  2. Return the wok to the heat and add the remaining oil. Add the eggs and stir once every 15 seconds or so until the eggs set to the texture of a loose omelette. Add the tomato mixture to the eggs and stir to combine. Taste and adjust seasoning if necessary, then serve immediately.