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Recipes and Cooking


Vietnamese Egg Coffee

Vietnamese Egg Coffee

Dreamy, dextrous, and delicious. If you weren't a coffee snob before, this simple recipe is set to make you one.

Equal parts drink and dessert, Vietnamese egg coffee is Hanoi's answer to the classic affogato. Created in 1946, in response to the region’s milk shortage – it combines a simple egg custard with Vietnam's second-biggest agricultural export, coffee.

Led by Adam Liaw, this is a real treat as you add a new coffee go-to to your library of choices. The hardest part about this recipe? Try and limit yourself to one a day.


3 tbs Vietnamese ground coffee

2 egg yolks

½ cup sweetened condensed milk


  1. Divide the coffee among two Vietnamese coffee filters. Moisten with a little hot water and stand for 1 minute. Fill the coffee filter ¾ to the top with hot water to extract the coffee.
  2. While the coffee is extracting, place the egg yolks and condensed milk in a bowl. Whisk vigorously until it forms a thick, dense foam. Pour the custard on top of the coffee.